Saturday, October 29, 2016

Tomato Soup Best Ever

The Farmers first idea of the day was soup.
It originated from this beautiful sight.
He dedicates this recipe to
The Farmers Only Granddaughter
She loves tomato soup.
Even cold!

 So out comes the juicer.
Just one of The Farmers gadgets.

It fits together easily.

Now comes the messy part.
A sheet of plastic wrap is stretched
from the juicer to the bowl
This keeps The Farmer clean
during the juicing process.
The Farmer reintroduces the skins and seeds
a few times to squeeze out as much 
pulp and juice as possible.

 Now into the pot we go.

 Add 1 cup cooked beets for colour.

Then one cup onion.

 Diced onion of course.

 One seeded jalapino sliced.

One tablespoon Worchestershire sauce.

A dash of lemon Juice

Two teaspoons sugar.

One tablespoon kosher salt

 A few sprigs fresh parsley tossed in.

 Now Stir and simmer.
One to one and a half hours.
Depends on the tomato's moisture content.
We want a nice thick soup.

While this mixture is simmering
Wash  the juicer and cutting board.
Once the area is clean break out
"The Osterizer"
Or what ever blender you have.
A sive and bowl as well.

 Strain out the chunky bits.

 Puree the chunks down.
Plastic wrap again helps keep
The Farmer and the lid clean.
Covering the opening then
holding the lid on lightly with a towel
is the way to go.

 Nice puree.

 Stir the puree back into the pot then
work it through a sieve.

Way better than Campbell's
No tin can flavour.
But it does look wonderful in
The Campbell's mug.

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