The Farmer decided to try something different this year.
Landscape fabric.
Last fall he rolled it out and using his plywood planting template he burned holes.
Using a automatic propane torch with a long hose on it.
It worked like a dream.
Of course being the busy guy he is
The Farmer forgot to take pictures of the process.
But here is the result.
Spring Sprung.
The warmth of the sun on the fabric made for happy plants
The Farmer used grass clippings on the walkways
July came and the harvest shortly after.
Cleaning the edges of the fabric was job 1.
Not all that hard just lift and wipe.
Lifting the fabric was so easy just lift step ahead and lift again
The leaves didn't break at all
The fabric didn't tear either.
All ready for storage until fall planting time.
The soil was soft and moist.
Soooo easy to dig.
Thats another row done, now on to the next.
Fitting 220 garlic in 22ft X 4ft is amazing.
The Farmer only weeded twice and it was minimal.
Very pleased!
The Farmer always makes a few braids to hang in the kitchen.