Friday, July 13, 2012

All bundled for drying

The Farmer was in the field at 10am
It only took a few hours to finish cleaning and bundling

Well that's it all inside curing.
Now The farmer starts with the first picked
trimming roots and sniping off the bulbs.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

And Then There Were None

The Farmer and The Farmers Wife are sore and tired.
The 2012 garlic has all been picked.
They still have some cleaning and bundling to do.
Tomorrow should be the end of work for a week or so.
Once the curing process is complete they will get at the next faze.
Trimming and bagging for sale will be next.

Once the garlic is all hanging in the barn
The Farmer will post a pic of the 2012 crop.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Garlic 2012

Well it was an early spring on the farm.
The Farmer took a few pics of the garlic field.
8145 pieces of various varieties.

Crazy for March 
The Farmer has never seen such a warm winter

After digging the 4800 head last year
The Farmer swore he would find a better way.
Introducing The Harvester.

Much easier on The Farmers back.
The rows need to be planted differently though.
There was far to much damage.
This pile is the result of harvesting 4000 pcs.
There's more to come

The Farmer is heart broken.
Every time he chops through a head.
He remembers crawling hands and knees
Planting his crop last fall.

The good ones are collected.
They are wiped off and set aside for tying.

The Farmer and The Farmers wife have been busy this week.
The first week of July is kind of early but
the crop is ready.

With The Farmers Wife helping
the loads were taken to the barn.
They will be hung for at least two weeks to cure.

Today July 6th 
The Farmer and The Farmers Wife have given up.
Its Just to hot for harvesting.

One thermometer at 100 and one at 95.
The Farmer doesn't care whats correct.
He just knows its to hot to work out there.